Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Goedkoop! Online sources learning Dutch

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I changed a bit...when in Netherlands, do as the Dutch does. One of "the Dutch ways" might do something economically wise. 

Nagasaka, オランダを知るための60章 p28

Learning language usually costs a lot. Before the information age, I studied foreign language through the magazines with audio which was, at the time (as a student) very expensive. Until now, buying book and do the workbook exercise, these are the classical way of learning it. I do not deny it.

But recent year, costs of learning language is getting cheaper. There are more internet resources learning language which costs low and sometime even costs you nothing. We can maximize these..There are podcast, youtube, website...which I do utilize.
(c) learndutch

Youtube learning Dutch
Youtube contents are free. It is good idea to start learning Dutch from free-contents. Leaning Dutch contains vocabularies, grammar, Dutch alphabet pronunciation, Dutch proverbs and so on.

My favorite content is 1000 most common words in Dutch. There are 40 videos, each video takes 3-4 mins and contains 25 vocabularies with some explanation.

Complimentary E-book

In Dutch language class (summer school), I was trained to listen Dutch but it is still hard. I am often irritated my husband saying I just need to spell the words as a teacher pronounces. I said I cannot hear what s/he pronounce. It is something common concern among Japanese (I think !)

So, now I watch this youtube video and pronounce these words together with the voice. It includes some examples and short story related to these vocabularies.

I can download free vocabularies list (lesson 1-20), when I register to the website.
Registration is here>> I enjoyed these free contents very much.

Online course
blc Dutch summer language school offers online course as well. It costs 79 euro (now 39 euro!) , then we can learn grammar. It is not so expensive since books with CD costs almost 40 euro. Each video is short (10 mins, maximum 20 mins) and clear.

You can try first before deciding to purchase it. Once you register the website, the school send the link of video once a week. At least, you can check and test whether it is worth to pay or not.

This online contents is part of package if person register and pay for summer school. During the summer class, some students used this video to check grammar.

What I appreciated of this online course, I can also download PDF file which is power point from the video lesson. So, I can focus on understanding the lesson then I can check PDF later.

PDF file

Application for smart phone.
I am thinking of buying the book for vocabularies. But application must be lighter.  than book. Cost performance must be good.

I combine these resources and watching Dutch TV, try to read some simple text..I hope I will improve Dutch.

Other articles - Dutch summer school 2016 - 

1. Why I need to learn Dutch?
9. Class activity-Communicate in Dutch with local people: going to the Pancake house
12. Preparation-MUST do! before joining Dutch summer school
14. Epilogue:  After the camp - what remains

These are my view and experience...therefore, if you want to know more about the school, please visit the official website>> blc language course website
Tel: +31-648074618
Mail: study@dutchsummerschool.nl


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